DPOE™ Power System User Manual Part Number: PN380C
AC Input Slip the cord bracket around each cord (PANDUIT part # CORD-****), as shown in Figure 7: Cord
Bracket. Plug the cord into the proper receptacle on the back of the chassis (See
Figure 8: Chassis (Rear View) - AC Connections), then secure the cord bracket to the chassis using the
provided screws (See Figure 9: Securing Cord Bracket to Chassis).
Figure 7: Cord Bracket
Figure 8: Chassis (Rear View) - AC Connections
#4-40 Screws
Figure 9: Securing Cord Bracket to Chassis
DC Output DC connections are accomplished via the rear terminal blocks and bulk output connection as shown in
Figure 12: Chassis (Rear View) - DC Connections. GMT-fused connections are accomplished via the
rear compression screw terminal block that will accept wires sizes up to 12 AWG. If a fuse is not in
corresponding slot, then place wire in output and corresponding return, and compress the screws to 4 in-
lbs. Place a fuse into the corresponding position into the fuse holder as shown in Figure 10: Chassis
(Front View) - GMT fuse holder.