G E T T I N G S TA R T E D | 1 |
Use the Monarch™ 9878™ Compact Mobile Work Station (MWS™) for mobile printing either
You see references to voltages throughout this manual with either (one battery) or (two batteries) after them, so you know which voltage applies to your MWS.
U s i n g T h i s M a n u a l
Following is a summary of the contents of this manual.
| C h a p t e r | Contents |
1 | Getting Started | C o n t a i n s i n f o r m a t io n a b o u t t h e b a t t e r i e s a n d |
| M W S . |
2 | About the MWS | Describes how to connect power cords and use |
| additional devices on the MWS. |
3 | Charging the | Describes how to charge the batteries. |
| Batteries |
4 | Power Options | Describes battery power and battery safety issues. |
5 | Printing | Explains how to print supplies from a printer on the |
| MWS. |
A | Specifications | Technical specifications about the MWS. |
Getting Started