R e l a t e d D o c u m e n t a t i o n

The following table describes other manuals for the printer.





ROM-DOSUser Manual

Describes the Datalight® ROM-


DOS operating system that runs on


the printer.

Equipment Manual

Describes how to operate the


printer. For example, it covers


topics such as loading supplies,


using the scanner, etc.

Programmer’s Manual

Describes how to create


applications with the C/C++


language libraries supplied with the


software development kit (SDK).

MPCLII Packet Reference

Describes the MPCLII printer



MONARCH® quick-set

Describes how to use the Label

software Label Designer

Designer. Use this utility to create

Online Help

the design for the labels the


application prints.

MONARCH quick-set

Describes how to use the Font

software Font Utility

Utility. Use this utility to convert

Online Help

TrueType and HP fonts into MPCLII


font packets.



1-2 Application Notes
