The response to an alarm that is pro-
grammed and armed at the local, SAT level,
can also be configured for a corresponding
9760 SIDE alarm notification and response.
For this to occur, the System Alarm column
for the alarm in question must be edited. This
occurs in the local SAT Alarm menu.
A System Alarm column entry completes
SAT SIDE programming menu require-
ments for a CM9760-KBD keyboard user to
be notified of the corresponding local alarm
if proper programming for alarm response
functions have been configured on the 9760
SIDE of the system.
Consider, for a moment, that the SAT alarm
sub-menu for alarm contacts 1-8 is config-
ured as shown in Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-19
Configuring 9760 SIDE Alarm Response Numbers
Figure 3-17
Alarm Contact Menu
Local and System alarm notifications are mutu-
ally exclusive: both, or one, or neither can occur based
on programming.
As shown, Alarm #1 activation is not only set for SAT SIDE
alarm notification but will also send a System Alarm notifi-
cation number of 0001 to the CM9760-CC1 when the local
SAT alarm occurs.
The alarm functions in the following configuration files
(housed in the 9760-CC1 but programmed using the 9760-
MGR program) must be configured before the 9760 key-
board user can be notified of and view the alarm:
In the Comms file:
1. Each keyboard must be assigned Alarm monitors if a
visual display of the alarm camera (in addition to key-
board notification) is desired. For example, note that in
Figure 3-18, keyboard number 2 is assigned alarm
monitors 1 through 5.
In the Alarms file:
2. The number entered in the System Alarms column of
the ALARMS menu on the SAT SIDE corresponds to
the number found in the Physical Number column of
the ALARM configuration file on the 9760 SIDE.
The number in the associated Logical Number column
of the ALARM file is used to ARM the alarm from the
9760 keyboard. The camera to be called in response
to Alarm 1 being activated is entered into the Alarm
Camera Switch sub-menu of the ALARM file.
To enable
of alarms, fill in the Auto Reset (see Figure 3-19) column for
the associated alarm with a time (in seconds) that you want
the alarm to remain active before it is reset.
Figure 3-18
Assigning Alarm Monitors