1 Computer Specifications
| Three | |
Standard | 3 | |
| detwty) storage capacw | |
Cptmnal | 3 ‘/:mch dtskettc drive, 720KB (double- | |
| dens~ry) storage capacw | |
| 3 ‘/:mch diskette dwe. 1.44MB (htgh- | |
| dens~ry) storage capacuy | |
| i’/.,mch daketrc drwe, I.2MB (htgh- | |
| density) storage capacq | |
Optwnal | 5 ‘/,,mch | dnkerte drwc. 360KB (double- |
| densly) | storage capacw |
oponsl | 3 |
16&n CPU
80386SX m~ropmmssot. 16 MHz or Ilmulated 8 MHz clockrate. selecrable through a swtch or thmugh software
| mountmg.frame), 4OMB storage capacny |
Optwnal | 3 ‘/:,mch hard dtsk drwe (m a 5’Ivmch |
| mounrmg frame). 1COMB storage capacity |
24sbit address and 16.tilt data bus
IMB RAM on main system board; expandable usmg 256KB or IMB SIMM5 to 2UB. 4MB. 6MB. 8MB. IOMB. IZMB, or 14MB (maximum); SIMM5 must be 7on5 access speed or fasrer
Detachable, three positrons. 101 sculpted keys
16 funcrmn keys (user~dehnablc)
Math coprocessor 80387SX (16 MHz) support; coprocessor IS oprmnal
Funcnon kevs
Four levels (normal. sh,ft. control, alternate);
Diskette | Supports up to two drives m any of four |
| formats: 3 ‘/:.mch. hlgh,densiry. 1.44U6; |
| 3 |
| 5 |
| 5 |
| controller on mam system board |
Temperature | Operatmg range: 41” to 104’ F | |
| ( 50 to 35” C) |
| Storage range: | 40” to 158” F |
| (400 to 60” C) |
Humidity | Operatmg range: 20% ro 80%. | |
| |
| Storage range: | 5% to 95%. |
Hard dnk
Option slots
Supports up ro two drives wallable m 40MB or 100MB; embedded conrrolier
Fwc standard mput/output cxpanslon slots (one with
Width | 15.7 mches (400 mm) |
Depth | 16.4 mches (416.5 mm) |
Hctght | 6.2 Inches (157 mm) |
Wclght | Smgle diskette dnvc model: 23.2 lb |
(wthout | (10.5 kg) |
keyboard) | 4OMB or IOOMB hard &sk dnve model: |
| 24.9Ib(ll 3kg) |
RAMCMOS RAM for conftgwatmn; battery backup
Power SupplySwtchung tvpe.
+I2 VDC.
Equity Series Computers | 9/22/89 |