Tank Owner’s Manual Pg. 19 of 23
9/26/05 Rev. D
APPENDIX D Date Time Influent Effluent Influent Effluent
Start-up Start-up n/a n/a n/a
∆P Dirty Filter
=(Influent - Effluent)
∆P Clean Filter
=(Influent - Effluent)
Pressures for
Dirty Filter
Pressures for
Backwashed Filter
1. After performing the backwash for the initial start up, and returning the filter to normal operation, record the clean
filter influent and effluent pressures into the first line of the chart and calculate ∆P for a clean filter. It is
recommended that backwashing occur when the pressure differential increases by 10 Psi from this value.
2. Before perfoming a backwash, log the influent and effluent pressures of the filter system and calculate ∆P for the
dirty system. Backwash the system and return to normal filtration mode. Record the influent and effluent
pressures for the now clean filter system and calculate ∆P for the clean system.