Pentair MT warranty 3F. Time Clock Operation, 3G. Spa Hot Tub Safety Rules, 3H. Periodic Service

Models: MT

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MegaTherm Commercial Pool Heating Boiler

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3F. Time Clock Operation

During the initial warm-up period, the boiler must run continuously. Therefore, remove all time clock stops until the pool water reaches a temperature of at least 70o F.

When resetting the time clocks, be sure to allow the filter pump and boiler enough time to maintain the pool water at the desired temperature.

3G. Spa (Hot Tub) Safety Rules

Therapeutic pools, or “spa” pools, are usually piped and controlled so that very warm or hot water, often with air injection, is forced at high velocity into a confined area of a swimming pool or into a small, separate pool. Both the energy of the water and the heat furnish certain hydrotherapeutic benefits. These pools are excellent for relaxation, body-conditioning, and for arthritic and rheumatic problems, but can be hazardous. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has recommended the following “Safety Rules for Hot Tubs.”

1.Spa or hot tub water temperature should never exceed 104o F (40o C). A temperature of 100o F (38o C) is considered safe for a healthy adult.

Special caution is suggested for young children.

2.Drinking of alcoholic beverages before or during spa or hot tub use can cause drowsiness which could lead to unconsciousness and subsequently result in drowning.

3.Pregnant women beware! Soaking in water above 102o F (39o C) can cause fetal damage during the first three months of pregnancy (resulting in the birth of a brain-damaged or deformed child). Pregnant women should stick to the 100o F (38o C) maximum rule.

4.Before entering the spa or hot tub, users should check the water temperature with an accurate thermometer; spa or hot tub thermostats may err in regulating water temperatures by as much as 4o F (2.2o C).

5.Persons with medical history of heart disease, circulatory problems, diabetes or blood pressure problems, diabetes or blood pressure problems should obtain their physician’s advice before using spas or hot tubs.

6.Persons taking medications which induce drowsiness, such as tranquilizers, antihistamines or anticoagulants, should not use spas or hot tubs.

3H. Periodic Service

Inspect the heat exchanger tubes of the Model MT pool boiler on a regular basis. In most areas and under most operating conditions, the MT pool boiler will operate for years without accumulating any scale in the tubes. However, in some pools the mineral content of the water is such that completely scale-free operation is impossible. For this reason, the MT boiler was designed so that all of the internal wet surfaces can be easily inspected and, if necessary, cleaned. Simple cleaning tools are available from your dealer or the factory.

In order to establish a proper inspection schedule, the tubes should be inspected after the first sixty days of operation, and again after 120 days. From the appearance of the tubes, it will be possible to determine the best regular inspection schedule.

When pool equipment is located outdoors, a certain amount of dust and moisture can infiltrate the mechanical parts of the controls. After many years, this could cause deterioration. A regular service schedule will insure longer life and safe operation of the equipment.

3I. Pool Water Chemistry

Due to natural evaporation, which only removes the water and leaves the minerals, the mineral content of pool water increases daily. Also, the regular addition of algaecidal and sanitizing chemicals substantially adds to the mineral content of the pool. If the mineral content of the pool is allowed to get too high, the minerals will precipitate out of the water and deposit on the walls of the pool, the filter, and the heat exchanger tubes. For this reason, it is important that the pool be completely drained regularly (at least every two years) to reduce the chance of expensive repairs to the pool, filter system and boiler.

It is also important to maintain the pH level of the pool water between 7.3 and 7.7 which can add years to the life of the pool finish, filter system and boiler.

Most algaecidal and sanitizing chemicals contain sodium hypochlorite, while others contain calcium hypochlorite. Sodium is not a scaling chemical, but calcium definitely is. So when chemicals are used which contain calcium, it is even more critical that the pH level of the pool water be maintained properly, and that the pool water be completely changed when the dissolved solids indicate an excessive mineral content.

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Pentair MT warranty 3F. Time Clock Operation, 3G. Spa Hot Tub Safety Rules, 3H. Periodic Service, 3I. Pool Water Chemistry