Using the Camera
This camera is designed so that the lens and LCD monitor swivel to allow you to take pictures from a variety of angles (free style). The following describes the basic way to hold the camera and how to use it.
Holding the Camera
The exterior of the camera is designed to ensure easy operation by the user. To swivel the lens, place the finger and thumb of your left hand in the dents 1 and 2 . When taking pictures, hold the camera with the thumb of your right hand on 3 ready to press the buttons on the back of the monitor.
•Make sure that the thumb of your left hand is not covering the flash when you hold the camera.
•Hold the strap at the same time to make sure that you do not drop the camera.
Swiveling the Lens and LCD Monitor
By swiveling the lens or LCD monitor section of the camera as shown above, you can position it at the desired angle.
1 GettingStarted