Input Overload Margin | 18dB |
The amount of headroom available over and above the Rated Output.
RIAA Accuracy | ................................................±0.5dB, |
This figure indicates how accurately the RIAA Equalisation circuitry follows the RIAA specification across the frequency range 20Hz to 20kHz. From 100Hz to 20kHz, the RIAA accuracy of the SXV1 is as low as ±0.2dB.
Output Impedance | 47Ω |
Output Impedance indicates the ability of the unit to drive the Line Level Output. The low impedance of the SXV1 means that it will drive any combination of cable configuration (length, capacitance, etc.) and component impedance with ease whilst maintaining signal integrity.
Rated Output | 0.75VRMS |
This is the optimum operating level of the unit, offering the best performance whilst allowing a large enough buffer to accommodate the unpredictable nature of music. It is the reference output level to which other specifications, such as sensitivity and gain, are referred. The Rated Output does not indicate the full capability of the SXV1.
Maximum Output | 6.0VRMS |
The maximum output level possible before the onset of clipping. This figure indicates the extent of the dynamic range available from the SXV1.
Wideband Frequency Response | 5Hz to 100kHz |
Describes the frequency range at which the output signal remains audible.
Operating Class | Class A |
The driver circuitry and amplification stages all operate in Class A, providing the best possible THD+N and Signal to Noise Ratio specifications.