Remote Control Keys for LCD TV Functions
12) ı List of programmes
To display / clear the list of programmes.Use the keys

<>to select a programme and the key to

13) ùSound mode
Used to force programmes in Stereoand Nicam Stereo
to Monoor, for bilingual programmes,to choose
between Dual Ior Dual II.
The Monoindication is red when in forced position.
14) Q Surround Sound
To activate / deactivate the surround sound effect.In
stereo,this gives the impression that the speakers are
further apart.For models equipped with Virtual Dolby
Surround*,you can experience Dolby Surround Pro
Logic sound effects.
15) ¤ Teletext (p.9)
16) [Mute
To mute or restore the sound.
17) P -/+ Selecting TV programmes
To move up or down a programme.
The number and the
mode are displayed for a few seconds.
For some TV programmes the title of the programme
appears at the bottom of the screen.
18) 0/9Numerical keys
For direct access to programmes.For a 2 digit
programme number,the 2nd digit must be entered
before the dash disappears.
19) ÁPrevious programme
To access the previously viewed programme.
* Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.“Dolby”
and the double-D symbols are trademarks of Dolby