Manual storeThis menu allows you to store each programme manually.
If the INSTALL menu is already displayed on the screen,go directly to step æ.
To display the INSTALL menu
Press . Select INSTALL. Press .
æSelect MANUAL STORE ( ) and press .
The MANUAL STORE menu appears.
ÂSelect SYSTEM ( ).Use to select AUTO
(automatic reception*) or standard reception with,
a c c o rding to the model:W.EUR (s t a n d a rd B G ) ,E .E U R
( s t a n d a rd DK),UK (standard I) or FRANCE (standard LL’ ) .
* For transmissions from France (standard LL’),select the
FRANCE option but not the AUTO option.
êSelect SEARCH and press .The search begins.
As soon as a programme is found,the search will stop. If
you know the frequency of the programme required,
enter its number directly using the keys and go to
chapter †.
If no programme is fo u n d ,r e fer to the Tips chapter on page 12).
®If reception is un-satisfactory,select FINE TUNE and hold
down key or .
†Select PROG.NO (programme number) and use the
or to keys to enter the desired number.
ºSelect STORE and press .The message STORED
appears.The programme is stored.
Repeat steps êto Úfor each programme to be stored.
To exit: press the key.
If you wish,you can name the first 30 programmes
(0 to 29).
æSelect the programme you wish to name.
ÂIn the MANUAL STORE menu ,select NAME and press .
• Use the keys to move around in the area which
displays the name (5 characters).
• Use the keys to select the characters.
• Press once the name is entered.
êSelect STORE ( ) and press .The name is stored.
®Press and repeat the operation for each programme
you wish to name.
To exit: Press the key.
Naming programmes