Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group. General term for a range of audio and
video compression, and the name of the standards organization for digital
video and digital audio compression. Operates under the auspices of the
International Organisation for Standardization (ISO).
ITV Institutional Television. See PBS. Commercial / non-consumer division of
Philips Consumer Electronics Co.
NA Not available, not applicable.
NC Not connected, no connection.
Off See “Stand-by”.
On A state of operation in which the unit (television) is connected to an AC
power source, in active use, and capable of responding to queries or
commands from a control device (IR remote control) and/or DCM.
OSD On-Screen Display. The display of alphanumeric text that appears over the
video image. Typically generated by a character generator usually integrated
into the television chassis control processor.
PBS Philips Business Solutions. A commercial / non-consumer division of
Philips Consumer Electronics. Co., of which Philips BDS, Business Display
Solutions, formerly known as ITV, is a part.
Plug Connector on a cable that connects to a plug.
PPV Pay Per View.
RC Remote control.
RC-5, RC-6 Philips IR remote control communication protocol.
RJ-11 Registered jack 11. Modular telephone-style connector form factor with 4
electrical conductors.
RJ-12 Registered jack 12. Modular telephone-style connector form factor with 6
electrical conductors.
Router Technically, also known as a Layer 2 Switch. A switching hub that operates
at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2), and builds a table of the MAC addresses of
all the connected stations.
RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol. Allows control of multimedia streams
delivered, for example, via RTP (RFC 3389, Real-time Transport Protocol
Payload). Control includes absolute positioning within the media stream,
recording and possibly device control.