065001057050 STEREO PHILIPS 8/8/06 11:31 Page 17
Manual Store
Other settings in the Install Menu
This menu is used to store the programmes
one at a time.
&Press Hkey. The Main Menu will be displayed.
éPress the Ïkey until INSTALL is highlighted.
Then press the ¬key followed by the Ï
key until MANUAL STORE is highlighted.
“SSyysstteemm:: select EEuurrooppee(automatic detection) or
WWeesstteerrnn EEuurrooppee(BG standard), EEaasstteerrnn
EEuurrooppee (DK standard) with the ¬key.
‘SSeeaarrcchh:: press ¬. The search starts. Once a
programme is found, the scanning stops. Go to
the next step. If you know the frequency of
the required programme, this can be entered
directly using the 0to 9keys.
If no picture is found, consult the possible solutions
(Page 22 ).
(PPrrooggrraamm NNoo..::enter the required number with
the Ȭ or 0to 9keys.
§FFiinnee TTuunnee:: if the reception is not satisfactory,
adjust using the Ȭ keys.
èSSttoorree:: press ¬. The program is stored.
!Repeat steps ‘to !for each programme to
çTo quit the menus, press d.
&Press Hkey followed by the Ïkey until
INSTALL is highlighted.
éLLaanngguuaaggee::to change the display language for
the menus.
“CCoouunnttrryy::to select your country (TTRRfor
This setting is used for the search, automatic
programme sort and teletext display. If your
country does not appear in the list, select
“. . .”
‘To quit the menus, press d.
Using the radio (only available on
certain versions)
• Picture
• Sound
• Features
Install Î
• Language
• Country
• Auto Store
$Manual Store Æ
• Sort
• Name
Program No.
Fine Tune