Connecting Peripheral Equipments
This TV set is equipped with 2 scarts located on the rear. The EXT1 socket has audio, CVBS/RGB inputs
and audio, CVBS outputs. The EXT2 socket has audio, CVBS/S-VHS inputs and audio, CVBS outputs.
Carry out the connections shown opposite, using a good
quality euroconnector cable.
If your video recorder does not have a euroconnector
socket, the only connection possible is via the aerial cable.
You will therefore need to tune in your video recorder's test
signal and assign it programme number 0
(refer to manual store).
To reproduce the video recorder picture, press 0.
VViiddeeoo rreeccoorrddeerr wwiitthh ddeeccooddeerr
Connect the decoder to the second euroconnector socket
of the video recorder. You will then be able to record
scrambled transmissions. (See p18 Features menu settings)

VViiddeeoo rreeccoorrddeerr

SSaatteelllliittee rreecceeiivveerr,, ddeeccooddeerr,, DDVVDD,, ggaammeess,, eettcc..
Preferably connect the equipments delivering RGB signals
(Digital Decoders, DVD Players, Game consoles etc..) to
EXT1 and the equipment delivering S-VHS signal
(S-VHS and Hi-8 VCRs) to EXT2.
Make the connections as shown opposite.
(See p18 Features menu settings)

OOtthheerr eeqquuiippmmeenntt

065001057050 STEREO PHILIPS 8/8/06 11:31 Page 21

TToo sseelleecctt ccoonnnneecctteedd eeqquuiippmmeenntt

Press the AAVVkey to select EExxttmodes: EXT1, EXT2, SVHS2 (S-VHS signals
from the EXT2 socket) and AV for the side connections
(If available).

Most equipment (decoder, video recorder) carries out the switching itself.