
Mirror TV with Miravison and Digital Crystal Clear

30" LCD

Specifications Product highlights


Aspect ratio: 15:9
Brightness: 450 cd/m²
Contrast ratio (typical): 350:1
Diagonal screen size: 30 inch / 76 cm
Display screen type: LCD WXGA Active Matrix
Picture enhancement: Digital Crystal Clear,
Progressive scan, Comb filter digital, Active
Control + Light sensor, 3/2 - 2/2 motion pull
down, Widescreen Plus
Screen enhancement: Anti ageing circuit, Anti
reflection coated screen
Viewing Angle (Horizontal): 176 degree
Panel resolution: 1280 x 768p
Response time (typical): 12 ms

Supported Display Resolution


Sound enhancement: Smart sound
Sound System: Virtual dolby surround
Output power (RMS): 2 x 15W


Built-in speakers: 2


Ease of Installation: Auto volume leveller, Auto
store, PLL Digital Tuning, Plug & Play
���Ease of Use: On Screen Display, Smart Picture
Remote control type: SIN type number tbc
Teletext: 10 page Smart Text
Picture in Picture: Twin page text
Remote Control: Multi-functional
Screen Format Adjustments: 6 Widescreen
Modes, Auto Format, Subtitle and Heading Shift


Tuner bands: Hyperband, S-Channel, UHF, VHF
TV system: PAL, SECAM
Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM
Aerial Input: 75 ohm coaxial (IEC75)


Ext 1 Scart: CVBS in/out, RGB
Ext 2 Scart: CVBS in/out, Y/C
Other connections: Analogue audio Left/Right
out, Antenna IEC75, PC in VGA & audio L/R in


Power consumption: 185 W
Standby power consumption: < 3 W
Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V +/- 10%
Ambient temperature: +5 -/+ 40 C


Product weight: 25 kg
Weight incl. Packaging: 30 kg


Included Accessories: Wall mounting bracket
Computer formats
Resolution Refresh rate
640 x 480 60, 67, 72, 75Hz
800 x 600 56, 60, 72, 75Hz
1024 x 768 60, 70, 75Hz
Video formats
Resolution Refresh rate
640 x 480p 2Fh
Issue date 2007-11-09
Version: 1.0
12 NC: 8670 000 22044
EAN: 87 10895 86930 0
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
By utilising a proprietary polarising cover a decorative
mirror that turns into a full featured flat TV when
switched on. Unique and Stylish.
Compact and slim design
This design style emphasises a slim, compact look that
saves space and fits in anywhere.
LCD WXGA display, 1280 x 768p
This WXGA display with state-of-the-art LCD screen
technology gives you HD resolution of 1280 x 768p
pixels. It produces brilliant flicker-free progressive scan
pictures with optimum brightness and superb colours.
This vibrant and sharp image will provide you with an
enhanced viewing experience.
Digital Crystal Clear
Digital Crystal Clear is a package of picture innovations
that digitally adjusts and optimises picture quality to
optimal contrast, colour and sharpness levels. It's like
watching vivid cinema-like images.
Digital Natural Motion
Philips invented Digital Natural Motion to eliminate
juddering effects that are visible with moving picture
content. Digital Natural Motion estimates motion in the
picture and corrects juddering movements in both
broadcast and recorded movie material (DVD). The
resulting smooth motion reproduction and excellent
sharpness take the viewing experience to a higher level.
Virtual dolby surround
Virtual Dolby Surround is a processing technology for
enhancing surround sound effects. It will create the
sensation of Dolby Pro Logic without the necessity of
additional rear speakers. You become totally immersed in
your television experience.
Unique new slim speakers
Enjoy improved balanced sound and stereo performance
like you've never heard before. The slim speakers use
patented technology featuring a hi-fi like magnet system
and unique speaker cones.