3.6 Text

Text pages

Open Text
To access Text while you are watching TV channels, press
To close Text, press TEXT again.
Select a Text page
To select a page …
• Enter the page number with the number keys.
• Press W or X
• Press u or v.
• Press a colour key to select a colour- coded subject at the
bottom of the screen.
Text sub-pages
A Text page number can hold several subpages. The subpage
numbers are shown on a bar next to the main page number.
To select a subpage, press w or x.
T.O.P. Text pages
Some broadcasters offer T.O.P. Text.
To open T.O.P. Text pages within Text, press r OPTIONS
and select T.O.P. overview.
Search Text
You can select a word and scan Text for all occurrences of this
Open a Text page and press OK. Select a word or number with
the navigation keys. Now press OK again to jump immediately to
the next occurrence of this word or number. Press OK again to
jump to the subsequent occurrence.
To stop the search, press u until nothing is selected.
Text from a connected device
Some connected devices that receive TV channels can also offer
To open Text from a connected device, press h, select the
device and press OK. While watching a channel on the device,
press r OPTIONS , select Show device keys and select the
B key and press OK. Press È (Back) to hide the device keys.
To close Text, press È (Back) again.
Digital Text (UK only)
Some digital TV broadcasters offer dedicated Digital Text or
interactive TV on their digital TV channels. This includes normal
Text using the number, colour and navigation keys to select and
To close Digital Text, press È (Back).

Text options

In Text, press r OPTIONS to select the following:
• Freeze page
• Dual screen
• T.O.P. overview
• Enlarge
• Reveal
• Cycle subpages
• Language
Freeze page
To stop the automatic rotation of subpages, press r OPTIONS
and select Freeze page.
Dual screen / Full screen
To show the TV channel and Text alongside each other, press
r OPTIONS and select Dual screen . Select Full screen to
switch back to full screen view.
T.O.P. overview
To open T.O.P. Text, press r OPTIONS and select T.O.P.
To enlarge the Text page for more comfortable reading, press
r OPTIONS and select Enlarge. To scroll down the page,
press v or u.
To unhide hidden information on a page, press r OPTIONS
and select Reveal.
Cycle subpages
To cycle subpages when these are available, press r OPTIONS
and select Cycle subpages.
To switch the group of characters that Text uses to display
correctly, press r OPTIONS and select Language.

Text setup

36 Smart TV / Text