
Flat HDTV with Pixel Plus 2 HD and Ambilight

42" plasma

Product highlights

Issue date 2008-12-19
Version: 27.0.29
12 NC: 8670 000 21602
UPC: 0 37849 96258 9
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Plasma WXGA Panel, 1024 x 768p
This state-of-the-art plasma screen technology gives you
widescreen HD resolution of up to 1024 x 768p pixels.
It produces brilliant flicker-free progressive scan pictures
with optimum brightness and superb colors. This vibrant
and sharp image will provide you with an enhanced
viewing experience.
Digital Cable Ready
The CableCARD is a removable card distributed by the
cable providers that is inserted in the TV. This enables the
“Plug-and-Play DTV” functionality as agreed between
cable operators and consumer electronics manufacturers.
It allows the decoding of encrypted or scrambled content
delivered from the cable system. CableCARD functionality
includes conditional access and copy protection. A
CableCARD-enabled television without a CableCARD
inserted receives high-definition standard TV broadcasts.
When a CableCARD is inserted, the television receives
high-value high-definition, cable programming.
Pixel Plus 2 HD
Pixe l Pl us 2 H D o ffe rs th e un ique combination of ultimate
sharpness, natural detail, increased depth, vivid colors
and smooth and natural motion from standard TV, High
Definition signals and multimedia sources. Each pixel of
the incoming picture is enhanced to better match the
surrounding pixels, resulting in a more natural picture.
Artifacts in compressed multimedia content are detected
and reduced, ensuring that the picture is clean and razor
sharp. Digital noise reduction ensures that the picture is
perfectly smooth yet razor sharp.
Active Control + Light Sensor
Active Control is a unique and intelligent way of
optimizing picture quality by measuring and analyzing
the incoming signal to automatically adjust picture quality
settings. Active Control with Light Sensor uses a sensor to
adjus t th e pi ctu re b rig htn ess d epe ndi ng o n th e ro om l igh t
The full-color ambient lights offers you relaxed viewing
and a unique ambiance via a soft light glow on the walls
surrounding the TV. Research has shown that watching
television with adapted ambient lighting promotes more
relaxed TV viewing. the Ambilight colors automatically
adap t to th e i mag es on the sc re en t o a dd a ne w s ens at io n
to the viewing experience. The light can also be switched
to fixed colors or various shades of white. In standby
mode, the lights can be operated to any color and create
a unique ambiance in the room.
USB and Memory Card slot
Instantaneously view and share your movies, photos and
music. The Memory Card slot will accept cards of type
Compact Flash I and II, Memory Stick, SD Card / Mini SD
Card, Smart Media, Micro Drive (up to 2 GB) a nd Multi
Media Card. Simply plug the memory card into slot at the
side of the TV , and acce ss the multimedia files stored on
the card. The USB connector allows access to multimedia
files of most USB-sticks and most digital cameras (USB
memory-class device).
HDMI input
HDMI makes an uncompressed digital RGB connection
from the source to the screen. By eliminating conversion
to an analog signal, it delivers an unblemished image. The
non-degraded signal reduces flicker and leads to a clearer
picture. HDMI intelligently communicates the highest
outp ut r es ol uti on wi th t he sou rc e d evi ce . T he H DM I i npu t
is fully backward compatible with DVI sources but
includes digital audio. HDMI uses HDCP copy p rotectio n.