4.2.7DVB-T/DVB-T Lite or DVB-C
If both DVB-T/DVB-T Lite and DVB-C reception is available
in your country, and this TV is prepared for both DVB-T/
DVB-T Lite and DVB-C for your country, you need to select
DVB-T/DVB-T Lite or DVB-C before you install TV channels.
To select DVB-T/DVB-T Lite or DVB-C reception, press h
> Setup > Installation > Channel installation > Antenna or
Cable DVB.
Select Antenna for a DVB-T/DVB-T Lite installation.
Select Cable for a DVB-C installation.
DVB-C channel installation
All DVB-C TV settings are set to automatic but the DVB-C
network might need some settings supplied by the DVB-
C provider. Enter these settings or values when the TV asks
for them.
You can install your TV for DVB-T/DVB-T Lite and DVB-C. In
that case, you need to carry out two channel installations.
First, carry out an installation with Antenna selected
followed by an installation with Cable selected. Afterwards,
the Channel overview will show both DVB-T/DVB-T Lite and
DVB-C TV channels.