Flat TV with Perfect Pixel HD Engine and Ambilight Surround
47" LCD integrated digital
Product highlights
Issue date 2008-05-26
Version: 8.0.23
12 NC: 8670 000 24418
EAN: 87 12581 30060 9
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Full HD LCD display 1920 x 1080p
The Full HD screen has the widescreen resolution of
1920 x 1080p. This is the highest resolution of HD
sources for the best possible picture quality. It is fully
future-proof as it supports 1080p signals from all
sources, including the most recent sources such as Blu-ray
and advanced HD game consoles. The signal processing
is ex ten si ve ly u pg ra ded to sup po rt thi s m uc h hi gh er sig na l
quality and resolution. It produces brilliant flicker-free
progressive scan pictures with superb brightness and
Integrated Digital DVB-T tuner
The integrated DVB-T tuner lets you receive Digital
Terrestrial TV to watch or record. This means you do not
need an additional set-top box or additional cables.
HD Ready
Enjoy the exceptional picture quality of High Definition
pictur es a nd be ful ly pr epar ed f or HD sou rces lik e HDT V
set-top boxes and Blu-ray discs. HD Ready is a protected
labe l th at of fer s p ic tur e q ua lit y b ey ond th at o f p ro gre ss iv e
scan. It conforms to strict standards laid out by EICTA to
offe r a n H D s cr ee n t ha t d is pla ys th e b en ef it s o f r es ol ut io n
and picture quality of a High Definition signal. It has a
universal connection for both analogue YPbPr and
uncompressed digital connection of DVI or HDMI,
support ing HD CP. It c an dis play 7 20p an d 1080 i sign als
at 50 and 60 Hz.
Perfect Pixel HD Engine
Perfect Pixel HD Engine offers the unique combination of
ultimate sharpness, natural detail, vivid colours and
smooth natural motion on all qualities of HD, standard
TV signals and multimedia content, for high-definition
displays. Each pixel of the incoming picture is enhanced
to better match the surrounding pixels, resulting in a
more natural picture. Artefacts and noise in all sources
from multimedia to standard TV and also in highly
compressed HD content are detected and reduced,
ensuring that the picture is clean and razor sharp.
100Hz Clear LCD
100Hz C lear L CD cr eate s extr eme m otio n shar pnes s for
clear and vibrant images even with fast on-screen motion.
The Double Frame Rate Insertion works with a high
100Hz refresh rate. It increases the sharpness of motion
reproduction to more than twice that of conventional
LCD, resulting in a response time of 3 milliseconds
(measured in Perceived Blur-Edge-Width; BEW). This
unique Philips technology brings motion sharpness of LCD
displays to an unprecedented level.
Ambilight Surround
With lights surrounding the picture, Ambilight 3 makes
an impressive contribution to the overall viewing
experience with ambient light on 3 sides to complement
the colours and light intensity of the image on screen. It
creates ambiance, stimulates more relaxed viewing and
improves perceived picture detail, contrast and colour.
Ambilight 3 automatically and independently adapts the
colours of each screen side according to the changing
content on the screen. With the 3rd Ambilight the top of
the picture is now fully surrounded, completely immersing
you into the content.
Pre-mounted swivel stand
For maximum freedom of placement, this high-quality
stand is designed specifically for this TV. The stand comes
pre-mounted to the TV out of the box. It allows easy
placement of your Flat TV without the hassle of building
the stand to the TV first. Enjoy the best viewing angle by
swivelling it to suit your personal preference.
* DVB-T, supported in selected countries only