
Digital widescreen flat TV with Pixel Plus 2 and Ambilight

50" plasma integrated digital

Product highlights

Issue date 2007-12-01
Version: 15.0
12 NC: 8670 000 22804
EAN: 87 10895 89803 4
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Plasma WXGA panel, 1366 x 768p
This state-of-the-art plasma screen technology gives you
widescreen HD resolution of up to 1366 x 768p pixels.
It produces brilliant flicker-free progressive scan pictures
in with optimum brightness and superb colors. This
vibrant and sharp image will provide you with an
enhanced viewing experience.
HD Ready
Enjoy the exceptional picture quality of a true High
Defin iti on T V si gnal and be f ull y pr epa red f or H D so urc es
like HDTV broadcast, Blu-ray DVD or HD-DVD. HD
ready is a protected label that offers picture quality
beyond that of progressive scan. It conforms to strict
standards laid out by EICTA to offer a HD screen that
display s the bene fits of res olut ion and picture quality of a
High De fi ni ti on TV si gn al. It ha s a un iv er sa l c on ne ct io n f or
both analogue YPbPr and uncompressed Digital
connection of DVI or HDMI, supporting HDCP. It can
display 720p and 1080i signals at 50 and 60Hz.
Pixel Plus 2
Pixel Plus 2 is a digital picture processing technology that
improves the resolution of still and moving pictures. It
does more than adding pixels, it also makes the pixels
better, resulting incredible sharpness and picture depth
every time and from any source. And it does not just
improve the resolution either, because you also benefit
from improved colour reproduction, resulting in the finest
colour details and superior brilliance.
Pulse Killer Chip
Electrical interferences are neutralised by a built in chip
called PKC
Integrated Digital TV Tuner
The DVD recorder's integrated DVB-T tuner lets you
receive Digital Terrestrial TV to watch or record. The
video signal is kept digital without any analogue steps
inbetween, to preserve the high picture quality.
Bypacked swivel stand
For maximum freedom of placement, this high-quality
stand is designed specifically for this TV and allows easy
placement of your Flat TV without drilling holes in the
wall. Enj oy t he b est v iew ing ang le w ith the con ven ien ce o f
the 40 de grees o f swiv el (20 degre es eac h side ). Inv isibl e
cable management is included in the back. This stand fits
seamlessly on the matching accessory floorstand.
The full-colour ambient lights offer you relaxed viewing
and a unique ambiance via a soft light glow on the walls
surrounding the TV. Research has shown that watching
television with adapted ambient lighting promotes more
relaxed TV viewing. The Ambilight colours automatically
adap t to th e i mag es on the sc re en t o a dd a ne w s ens at io n
to the viewing experience. The light can also be switched
to fixed colours or various shades of white. In standby
mode, the lights can be operated to any colour and create
a unique ambiance in the room.
DVI-I with HDMI and YPbPr
A DVI-I input connects the non-compressed high-
bandwidth digital RGB signal from source to screen. By
eliminating the conversion of the digital signals to
analogue, it delivers an unblemished and noisefree image,
that is clear and flickerfree. The DVI input supports
HDCP copy protection that allows viewing of copy
protected programs from Digital Settop boxes, DVD
players and HD recorders. DVI-I is future proof as it can
be be connected to all HDMI devices (a converter cable
is required). The DVI-I input also supports analogue PC-
VGA and YPbPr Component video signals (adapters
* DVB-T, supported in selected countries only
* 7 days EPG, service not available in all countries