
Digital widescreen flat TV with Pixel Plus 3 HD

52" LCD integrated digital

Product highlights

Issue date 2008-07-04
Version: 6.0.9
12 NC: 8670 000 33438
EAN: 87 12581 36027 6
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Full HD LCD display 1920x1080p
This di sp la y h as a r es ol ut io n t ha t is re fe rre d t o as Fu ll HD.
The state-of-the-art LCD screen technology has the full
high-definition widescreen resolution of 1080 progressive
lines, each with 1920 pixels. This allows the best possible
picture quality for HD input signals with up to 1080 lines.
It produces brilliant flicker-free progressive scan pictures
with optimum brightness and superb colors. This vibrant
and sharp image will provide you with an enhanced
viewing experience.
Integrated Digital DVB-T tuner
The integrated DVB-T tuner lets you receive Digital
Terrestrial TV to watch or record. This means you do not
need an additional set top box and also the additional
HD Ready
Enjoy the exceptional picture quality of High Definition
pictur es a nd be ful ly pr epar ed f or HD sou rces lik e HDT V
settop box or Blu-ray disc. HD Ready is a protected label
that offers picture quality beyond that of progressive
scan. It conforms to strict standards laid out by EICTA to
offer a HD screen that displays the benefits of resolution
and picture quality of a High Definition signal. It has a
universal connection for both analog YPbPr and
uncompressed Digital connection of DVI or HDMI,
supporting HDCP. It can display 720p, and 1080i signals
at 50 and 60Hz.
Pixel Plus 3 HD
Pixe l Pl us 3 H D o ffe rs th e un ique combination of ultimate
sharpness, natural detail, vivid colors and smooth natural
motion on all qualities of HD, standard TV signals and
multimedia content, for high definition displays. Each
pixel of the incoming picture is enhanced to better match
the surrounding pixels, resulting in a more natural
picture. Artifacts and noise in all sources from multimedia
to standard TV and also in highly compressed HD are
detected and reduced ensuring that the picture is clean
and razor sharp.
Bypacked swivel stand
For maximum freedom of placement, this high-quality
stand is designed specifically for this TV, and allows easy
placement of your Flat TV without drilling holes in the
wall. Enj oy t he b est v iew ing ang le w ith the con ven ien ce o f
the 40 de grees o f swiv el (20 degre es eac h side ). Inv isibl e
cable management is included in the back. This stand fits
seamlessly on the matching accessory floorstand.
USB Multimedia Connector
The USB connector allows access to multimedia jpg, mp3
and alb files of most USB-sticks and most digital cameras
(USB 1 .1 mem ory -c las s de vic e) . Pl ug t he USB int o th e s lot
at the side of the TV and access your photos or music
files. This makes you easily viewing and sharing your
photos and music.
3 HDMI inputs
HDMI makes an uncompressed digital RGB connection
from the source to the screen. By eliminating conversion
to an analog signal, it delivers an unblemished image. The
non-degraded signal reduces flicker and leads to a clearer
picture. HDMI intelligently communicates the highest
outp ut r es ol uti on wi th t he sou rc e d evi ce . T he H DM I i npu t
is fully backward compatible with DVI sources but
includes digital audio. HDMI uses HDCP copy protection.
With 3 HDMI inputs you can connect multiple HD
sources, for instance an HD settop box, and a Blu-ray
player. Your TV is fully prepared for the HD future.