Portable Radio
Specifications Product highlights
•Output power (RMS): 2W
•Sound Enhancement: Dynamic Bass Boost
•Sound System: Mono
•Speaker diameter: 3"
•Volume Control: Volume Con trol r otar y/en code r
•Tuner Bands: FM, MW
• Auto digital tuning
•Station presets: 20
•Headphone: 3.5 mm
•Audio Connections: 3.5mm Line in
•Alarms: Sleep timer
•Display Digits: 5
•Backlight color: White
•Display Type: LCD
•Included Accessories: User Manual, Audio Cable,
AC-DC Adapter
•Product dimensions (W x H x D):
260 x 137 x 141 mm
•Product weight: 1.67 kg
•Master carton quantity: 2
•Battery type: LR20
•Battery voltage: 1.5 V
•Mains power: 220-240V
•Number of batteries: 6
•Main Speaker: 3" full range woofer
Issue date 2008-02-20
Version: 1.0.4
12 NC: 8670 000 32578
EAN: 87 12581 35318 6
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Bass Reflex Speaker System
Bass Reflex Speaker System delivers a deep bass
experience from a compact loudspeaker box system. It
diff er s f ro m a co nv en tio na l l ou ds pe ak er bo x s ys te m i n t he
addition of a bass pipe that is acoustically aligned to the
woofer to optimize the low frequency roll-off of the
system. The result is deeper controlled bass and lower
distortion. The system works by resonating the air mass
in the bass pipe to vibrate like a conventional woofer.
Combined with the response of the woofer, the system
extends the overall low frequency sounds to create a
whole new dimension of deep bass.
Built-in alarm and sleep timer