


Specifications Product highlights


Antenna: Integrated
Form Factor: Candy bar
Handset dimensions: 99,7 x 43,5 x 19,2 mm
Handset volume: 77 cc
Handset weight: 86 g
Handset color: Silver, Black


Brightness: 80 cd/m²
Diagonal screen size: 1.5
Lines of text: 7
Main Display Colors: 65536
Main Display Resolution: 128x128 pixel
Main Display Technology: OLED


Ringers: Polyphonic (64 tones)

Audio Playback

Audio supported formats: Midi

Still Picture Playback

Picture compression format: BMP, GIF, GIF (87a &
89a), JPEG
Picture enhancement: Frames & Icons

Storage Media

Memory management: Memory status, Dynamic
memory allocation
User memory: 2 MB

Network Features

GPRS (Rx+Tx): Class 10 (4+2), Class B
GSM band: 900, 1800 MHz
Messaging: EMS / release 4, MMS,Multimedia
Message Service, Predefined messages
(SMS,MMS), SMS CB (Cell Broadcast), SMS (Short
Message Service), Concatenated SMS (Long SMS),
Quick SMS
Services: OTA provisioning (WAP,MMS), SIM
Toolkit / Release 99, WAP browser Teleca Obigo
3.0, WAP 1.2.1
Voice Codec: FR/EFR/AMR


Buttons and controls: 4-way navigation key and
enter, Customized hot key
Call Management: Call Cost, Call Counters, Call
Forwarding, Call on Hold, Call Time, Call Waiting,
Caller ID, Conference Call, Emergency Call,
Explicit Call Transfer, Microphone mute, Missed
Calls, Multi-party call, Received Calls
Clock/Version: Digital
Ease of Use: Hot Keys, Keypad Lock, Softkeys,
Vibra Alert
Embedded Games: 3
Games and applications: Agenda, Alarm Clock,
Calculator, Calendar, Java MIDP 2.0
Personalisation/Customization: Downloadable
Animated GIF, Downloadable Java Applications,
Downloadable Picture, Downloadable Ringtones,
Screen Saver, Wallpaper
Text input: T9


Headset: Via bottom connector


Optional accessories: Carry case, Cigarette
lighter adapter, Necklace, Universal car kit,
Deluxe headset
Standard Package Includes: Battery, Charger,
Handset, International Guarantee, SAR
information leaflet, User Manual


Battery capacity: 1200 mAh
Battery Type: Li-ion
Charging time: 3,45 hours hr
Standby time: up to 1000 hrs
Talk time: up to 10 hrs

Green Specifications

Lead-free soldered product
Issue date 2007-09-25
Version: 3.0
12 NC: 9961 400 05994
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Up to 40 days of standby time
Better than e ver b atte ry li fe! Th e pho ne ca n be o n and in
standby mode continously for 40 days on a single charge.
Up to 10 hours of talk time
Talk longer too! Now enjoy up to 10 hours of
conversation with a single charge, reducing the need to
travel with a charger.
1000 phonebook entries
Huge storage memory holds up to 1000 phonebook
entries and up to 5 numbers each allowing convenient
storage of all business and personal contacts.
250 SMS storage capacity
The phone features extra memory capacity to store up to
250 SMS (Short Message Service) messages, allowing
you to keep more of your precious messages than ever
Large end user memory
Large built-in memory allows you to store personal data
such as SMS (Short Message Service) messages,
contacts, and downloadable content such as wallpaper,
ringt one s, a nd m ore. Sto re u p to 250 SMS mes sag es a nd
up to 1000 contacts, as well as downloadable content.
Bright 65K color OLED display
Full-color 65K main OLED display with 128x128 pixel
resolution so you can view everything on your phone in
super brightness. Enjoy all your images and pictures in
crisp and vibrant color.