
Mobile Phone


Specifications Product highlights


Handset weight: 102 g
Handset dimensions: 88 x 43.5 x 22.4 mm
(without antenna); 101 x 43.5 x 22.4 mm (with
Handset volume: 82 cc
Form Factor: Clam shell
Antenna: external
Handset Color: Brushed Titanium, Reflection


Main Display Technology: TFT
Main Display Colors: 262K
Main Display Resolution: 128x160 pixel
Lines of text: 6 lines
Sub Display Technology: CSTN
Sub Display Colors: 65536
Sub Display Resolution: 96x64 pixel

Still Picture Capturing

Camera: Integrated
Picture resolution: VGA (640x480), QVGA
(320x240), SXGA (1280x960), 96x64, 128x160
Digital zoom: x2, x4
Picture Mode: Normal, Super fine, Night mode,
Self-timer mode, Fine
Preview frame rate: 15 frames/second
Picture file format: JPEG
Image sensor type: CMOS
Sensitivity: ISO 50-200 auto adjustment, min 5 lux
Special effects preview mode: Negative color,
Blue effect, B&W, Oil, Green effect, Brown effect,
Red effect

Still Picture Playback

Picture compression format: BMP, GIF, JPEG,


Ringers: Polyphonic (64 tones)

Audio Playback

Audio supported formats: Midi, SMAF, iMelody

Storage Media

Built-in memory capacity: 26
User memory: 10 MB

Network Features

Messaging: Concatenated SMS (Long SMS), EMS /
release 4, MMS,Multimedia Message Service,
Predefined messages (SMS,MMS), SMS CB (Cell
Broadcast), SMS (Short Message Service)
Services: OTA provisioning (WAP,MMS), WAP
GPRS (Rx+Tx): Class 10 (4+2), Class B
Voice Codec: FR/EFR/HR
GSM band: 900, 1800, 1900 MHz


Call Management: Call Counters, Call Forwarding,
Call on Hold, Call Time, Call Waiting, Caller ID,
Conference Call, Emergency Call, Microphone
mute, Missed Calls, Multi-party call, Received
Personal Info Management: Smart Phonebook,
Vcard Exchange
Personalisation/Customization: Fotocall,
Clock/Version: Analogue, Digital, International
Ease of Use: Blinking Lights, Dedicated Headset
plug, Hands free mode, Hot Keys
Ease of Navigation: Active Flip, Animated Color
Matrix, Active swivel flip (DV/DC), Touch panel
Buttons and controls: 4-way navigation key and
enter, Customized hot key, Camera key, Side
keys, Power On/Off
Volume control
Games and applications: Agenda, Alarm Clock,
Calculator, Calendar, Lunar Calendar, Chinese
festival reminder, ENG-CHN and CHN-ENG
dictionary, Handwriting recognition
Embedded Games: 6


Headset: Via bottom connector
Serial connections: USB-miniUSB data cable
Modem Capabilities: GPRS, SMS
Synchronisation PC organizer: MS Outlook


Standard Package Includes: Battery, CD ROM
(Mobile Phone Tools), Charger, Handset, USB
data cable, Stylus-2 pack
Optional accessories: Deluxe headset


Talk time: 5.5 hours
Standby time: 150 hours
Charging time: 2.5 hours hr
Battery capacity: 770mAh
Battery Type: Li-ion
Electrical Enhancements: Back-up battery

Green Specifications

Chemical composition: Lithium
User manual: Recycled paper
SAR value: 0.66W/KG
Issue date 2008-11-15
Version: 3.0.8
12 NC: 9961 400 04503
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Handwriting recognition
The intuitive and fast way to write text messages. Simply
write on the touch screen as you would write on a piece
of pape r to have the p hon e con ver t you r han dwr itin g in to
an SMS (Short Message Service) text message. The
feature has built-in handwriting recognition capability in
both Chinese (traditional and simplified) and English
(Roman alphabet).
Swivel hinge
The swivel hinge allows you to move between phone,
digital camera, and touch- screen PDA functions with your
clamshell phone. Simply open the clamshell as you would
to make a phone call, then turn the top panel in a
counter-clockwise direction, and close the cover for a
digital camera with bright display used as the view finder
(can also be used like a touch- screen PDA device).
On-screen virtual keyboard
On-screen virtual keyboard allows you to have a
traditional QWERTY keyboard format for text input
instead of using composing letters and punctuation with
the numeric keypad. Just activate the virtual keyboard
and use the stylus to type.
Megapixel camera & torch flash
Use your 1.3 megapixel camera with built-in flash to take
quality images in SXGA format (1280 by 960 pixels)
even in suboptimal light. Simply press the camera's side
key to ta ke pi ctur es fo r use a s wal lpap er or f otoc all, or to
send as MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) to share
with friends and family.
262K color main display
Use the 262K vivid color TFT display to enjoy high-quality
wallpaper, photos, and video taken with the integrated
64 tone polyphonic melodies
64-tone polyphonic melodies can create simultaneous
tones of different notes using MIDI format for more
natural and realistic musical results, sounding just like a
small orchestra of different instruments for outstanding
sound effects.
Embedded games
Embed de d ga mes us e th e br ig ht c olo r s cre en a nd k ey pad
to turn your mobile phone into a game station. Simply go
to the dedicated sub-menu to start playing your favorite