The menu navigation or photo | – The buttons on MCM276R and its remote |
playback of the docked player cannot be | control can control playback of audio contents |
carried out through the buttons on | only.To navigate the menu, use the controls on |
MCM276R or its remote control. | the docked player. |
The STOP 9 and some buttons on | – The playback of the docked player cannot be |
MCM276R and its remote control | stopped using the STOP 9 button on |
have no function. | MCM276R and its remote control. |
| – The buttons ( 2; , ¡1, 2™ and VOLUME ) |
| function only. |
The battery of my Philips GoGear in dock is drained when it is not
used for playback.
–The docked GoGear is still comsuming battery. Power it off if you don’t use the player.