Your product contains batteries covered by the European Directive
2006/66/EC, w hich cannot be dispos ed of with normal hou sehold waste.
Please inform your self about the loc al rules on separ ate collection of
batteries. T he correct disp osal of batteries h elps prevent potent ially
negative consequ ences on the environ ment and human heal th.
Observer: Nettbryteren er sekundert innkoplet. Den innebygde netdelen er
for regn eller fuktighet.
Environmental information
All unnecessar y packaging has bee n omitted. We have tr ied to make
the packaging eas y to separate into t hree materials: c ardboard (box),
polystyrene foam (buffer) and polyethylene (bags, protective foam sheet.)
Your system consist s of materials which ca n be recycled and reu sed
if disassembled by a s pecialized company. Plea se observe the loc al
regulations reg arding the dispos al of packaging mater ials, exhauste d
batteries and o ld equipment.
The type plate is lo cated on the bot tom of the appara tus.