Full-body sun canopy
24TL + HPA facial
Specifications Product highlights
Electronic Features
•Voltage: 230 V
•Frequency: 50 Hz
•Power: approx. 2900 W
•Lamps: Cleo Performance S; 20x100 + 4x80 W
•Starter: 24 x S12 Starter, or Cleo Starter
•Lamp facial: HPA 400 W
•Starter facial: 1 x KCD-G400
•Number of fans: 7
•Cord length: 3 m
Logistic data
•Product size closed: 1870x880x930 mm
•Product size open: 1870x880x1310 mm
•Packaging size canopy: 2110x1070x360 mm
•Packaging size couch: 2110x1070x360 mm
•Canopy weight (excl. packaging): 52 kg
•Couch weight (excl. packaging): 50 kg
•Canopy weight (incl. packaging): 61 kg
•Couch weight (incl. packaging): 59 kg
•Pallet quantity: 1 (on special pallet 220x113cm)
•EAN code WE: 8710103282686
•CTV code WE: 884358501000
•EAN Code CEE: 8710103285410
•CTV code CEE: 884358501300
•Country of origin: Holland
•Timer: 30 min. timer integrated in Digital User
•Insulation: Kema Class II (double Insulated)
•Safety norm: acc. to European CENELEC
requirements, UV type III
•Number of safety goggles: 2
Issue date 2007-12-17
Version: 2.1
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
24 Cleo Performance S tubes
Cleo Performance S tubes ensure an optimal and even
tanning result in a short amount of time.
PowerTan face tanner
The PowerTan face tanner comes with a 400W HPA
lamp for great facial tanning.
Optimised side tanning
Optimised tide tanning is achieverd thanks to the
Sunbeds' curved design. This means the UV rays are able
to reach your entire body, including the sides.
Stereo Active sound module
With th e St ereo Act ive s peak ers you c an c onne ct a ny CD
or MP 3 p la ye r, vi a a n un iv er sa l connection cable. Enjoying
your own favourite music while tanning makes your
tanning session even more enjoyable and relaxing.
Ambient Scent
Ambient Scent to create a natural experience. The 3
fragrances 'Green Oasis', 'Summer Blue' and 'Orange
Valley' enrich your tanning session.
Integrated body cooling with power control
Integrated body cooling, with 2 adjustable fans integrated
in the sid e pa nel, kee ps y our bod y co ol d uri ng th e ta nni ng
session. The body-cooling unit can be switched on and off
acoording to your own personal preference.
Automatic shut-off with double safety
The Sunbed automatically shuts off after 30 minutes to
prevent you from tanning too long (e.g. when you fall
asleep while tanning). The double safety function ensures
that the Sunbed also shuts down if the timer fails.
2 pairs of eye-protecting goggles
Two pairs of goggles are included, to protect your eyes
from the UV light.
Digital User Interface
The Digital User Interface enables you to easily control
the settings of the timer, bodycooler and facial unit. You
can adjust the settings to your personal preference before
and during your tanning session.