2.2 CMOS SENSOR 2.2.1 Inca 311
In the Inca 311 a monochrome sensor PCS2112-LM from
Zoran is implemented. This high performance CMOS
imaging sensor has an extreme ‘uniform pixel array’ and
an extremely low ‘fixed-pattern noise’ because of its
‘Distributed Pixel Amplifier’ architecture. The following
main features, supported by the Inca 311, are available:
1280 x 1024 Pixels
10 bit ADC resolution
2/3” sensor housing
One region of interest
Programmable exposure time
Mirror and flipped scan modes
16 MHz or 24 MHz pixelclock
Full frame rate 9.3 or 14 frames per second
Programmable gain 0..14 dB
Dynamic range 66dB
Synthetic test image
Decimation factor 2 and 4 for higher frame rates of
sub- sampled images
The rear side of the camera gives the user a great number
of possibilities for interfacing the camera.
IEEE 1394 (also known as Firewire™)
One trigger input and one output for flash control
Digital input 6 bits optically isolated
Digital output 6 bits optically isolated
Camera reset
VGA and CVBS for display purposes
Figure 2-1 Inca 311 back side connectors

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