Technical specifications Product highlights
File encryption a nd PIN
Security and conf identiality i s ensured through f ile
encryption. Voice f iles can be real -time encrypt ed and
password-protect ed to prevent unauth orized access.
Another level of privac y is ensured thr ough personal
user key codes, makin g the 9600 the f irst HIPAA*-
compliant recorder on the market.
SpeechExec Pro Dic tate
SpeechExec Pro Dic tate, the netwo rk-based dictat ion
software, facilit ates the sharing a nd archiving of
dictations and st reamlines communic ation between
author and transcript ionists. It in cludes advanced
features such as f ile encryption and integration w ith
legal and medical IT s ystems.
‘Smart’ But tons
Two smart buttons let yo u scroll through m enu
options and quickl y make selections . Navigating
through the menu to a ssign work types and other
commands is fast and i ntuitive.
USB Fast-Char ge
The Digital Pocket Me mo 9600 can be quick- charged
through the USB connec tion to your PC . This gives you
the assurance that yo ur recorder will a lways be ready
to work when you are.
Voice Commands
Assign job data such as keywords simpl y by speaking
them. This increase s efficienc y and minimizes err ors.
Large Display
A large graphical dis play lets you vie w all file
information, such as the client name, keywords,
length of dictat ion, position wi thin the fil e, and other
vital information a t a glance. A back lit display let s you
view all information , even in poor ligh ting conditions.
Digital Speech St andard (.dss)
The .dss file forma t is the internat ional standard for
professional speech pr ocessing. Offeri ng outstanding
audio quality for re corded voice, .dss files allow a high
compression rate, r educe file size , network traff ic
and required storage capacity. The forma t also allows
additional informat ion, such as clien t/patient name,
document type to be s tored in the f ile header, further
facilitating f ile organization. The .dss Pro format is
an extension to the .dss format that s upports fi le
encryption to prote ct confidenti al dictation da ta and
optimizes speech re cognition result s.
Robust and ergonom ic design
The Digital Pocket Me mo’s asymmetrical and
ergonomic design deli vers unparallele d user-friendly
operation. All but tons are within the sweep-ang le of
the thumb; a separate on/off switch and the popular
4-position sli de switch let you work in the most
familiar way.
Designed around st andards
The Digital Pocket Me mo is designed arou nd
standardized technolog ies. From SD (or MMC )
cards, mini-USB cables, batter ies and sockets to
the industry-st andard .dss file format for speech
processing, Philips employs non-pr oprietary
accessories and techn ologies for the ul timate
* Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Issue date 2007-02-27
Version 1.1
© 2007 Royal Philips. All rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Royal Philips or their
respective owners.
LFH 9600 / LFH 9620Digital Pocket Memo with Voice Command
Docking connector: 8-pin female
USB: Mini USB 2 .0 female (full s peed, 12 Mbit/s)
DC in: 6 V
Microphone: 3.5 mm , impedance 2 kΩ
Earphone: 3.5 mm, impedance 8 Ω or more
Memory card: Secur e Digital (SD) & M ultimedia
card (MMC) / expan sion slot for barcod e
Type: TFT-Transreflective
Diagonal screen size: 1.71 " / 44 mm
Resolution: 128 × 128 pixels
Backlight color: w hite
Recording specificati ons
Recording format:
DSS / DSS Pro (Digi tal Speech St andard)
Memory type: Sec ure Digital (SD)/
Multimedia Card (M MC) up to 2 GB
Recording modes:
Quality Play (QP)
Standard Play (SP)
Long Play mobile (LP m)
Recording time (QP/SP/L P):
10.7 / 21.8 / 32.7 hours wi th 128 MB card
170 / 349 / 523 hours with 2 GB card
Sampling frequency :
Quality Play mode: 16 kHz
Standard Play mode: 12 kHz
Long Play mode: 8 kHz
Compression rate:
Quality Play mode: 26 kbit/s
Standard Play mode: 13.5 kbit/s
Long Play mode: 9 kbi t/s
Frequency response:
Quality Play mode: 200 to 7 500 Hz
Standard Play mode: 200 to 5 500 Hz
Long Play mode: 200 to 3 500 Hz
Built-in: 30 mm rou nd dynamic speake r
Output power: 200 mW
Green specificatio ns
Compliant to 2002 /95/EC (RoHS)
Lead-free soldered p roduct
Operation conditions
Temperature: 5° - 45° Celsiu s / 41° - 113°
Humidity: 10 % - 90 %
Power supply: 6V DC / 8 50 mA
Power consumption: 80 0 mA maximum (during
Battery type: two Philips AA A Ni-MH
rechargeable batte ries (LFH 9154) or
two AAA batte ries (LR03 or R03)
Battery life (Standard Play mode):
17 hours with Philips Ni-MH rechargeable battery
15 hours with Philips a lkaline batter y
Charging time (full c harge):
USB fast chargin g: 2.5 hours
Power supply: 2.5 hours
Product dimensions ( W x D x H):
50 x 116 x 17 mm / 2.0 x 4.6 x 0.7 inch
Weight: 106 g / 3.7 oz, including two Phil ips
AAA Ni-MH re chargeable batt eries (LFH 9154)
PC requirements (Spee chExec Pro)
Recommended: Pentium III, 500MHz, 256 MB RAM
Hard disk space: 60 M B for SpeechExe c, 150 MB
for Microsoft .NE T 1.1 Framework
1 free USB port
Recommended minimum t ransfer rate fo r LAN:
100 Mbit/s
Operating system: Windows XP (with S ervice
Pack 2), Windows 200 0 (with Service Pack 4)
Package contents
Digital Pocket Memo
Speech Exec Pro dic tation softw are
Philips Secure Digit al (SD) memory c ard
2 rechargeable Phil ips AAA bat teries 9154
USB Docking Stat ion 9120
Power supply, USB cable , leather pouch
Quick reference guide
Rechargeable AA A batteries 9154
Philips Secure Digit al (SD) memory c ard
Philips power supply
USB Docking Stat ion 9120
LAN Docking Stat ion 9160
Barcode Module 9294
Conference/lapel mi crophone 172
LFH 9600 with in ternational 4- position slide
switch (record, stop, play, fast rewind)
LFH 9620 with Philip s 4-position s lide switch
(fast forward, play/re cord, stop, fast rewind)