Philips Healthcare Lighting 9
Well-being: Our bodies are finely tuned to react to the
ebb and flow of sunlight that occurs over the course of
a day, but a hospital environment often interrupts this
biological rhythm. Designing rooms around patient needs
can help make hospitals less intimidating, reduce anxiety,
encourage loved ones to spend more time with patients
and allow staff to work more efficiently.
Philips lighting solutions can recreate the dynamic nature of
natural light in interior spaces, and help improve the patient’s
sense of well-being in the process.
Likewise, providing dark environments at night to promote
healthy sleep patterns allows patients to maintain their daily
rhythms and routines that create peace of mind. And as a
24–7 operation, hospitals need to provide adequate light
for staff to perform their jobs at all hours of the day and
to maintain alertness.
The innovative wayfinding system, Philips
CareGlow™LED Device, automatically
illuminates indoor pathways with soft white light
when the patient steps out of bed at night. No
fumbling for a light switch, and no buzzing the
staff. Instead, patients experience comfort and
convenience to safely find their way at night.
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