For preview purpose only
R03-P4/01BTechnical specifications Product highlights
AAA Zinc Carbon
Date of issue 2006-07-07
Version: 6.0
12 NC: 9082 100 02735
EAN: 87 11500 80999 5
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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© 2006 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
•Battery type: AAA / R03 Zinc Carbon
•Battery voltage: 1,5V
Green Specifications
•Chemical composition: Zinc Carbon
•Heavy metals: Cd free, Hg free
•Packaging material: Carton, PET
•Packaging type: PET blister
Technical specifications
•Shelf life: 3 years
•Interchangeable with: AAA, R03, UM-4, 24F,
•Inner carton dimensions WxDxH: 128 x 162 x
42 mm
•Master carton quantity: 36
•Outer carton dimensions WxDxH: 128 x 162 x
125 mm
•Product dimensions (WxDxH): 83 x 120 x 11
•Product weight: 0.048kg
High quality Zinc-Chloride
The high quality Zinc-Chloride technology ensures long
battery life when used at low energy consuming devices.
Shelf life up to 3 years
Every battery suffers from energy loss when not in use.
We gua ran tee tha t th e ba tter y co nta ins at l eas t 80 % of
its initial energy within the best before date.
Cadmium and Mercury free
These Philips batteries are guaranteed free from
harmful heavy metals such as Cadmium and Mercury.