Single electronic breast pump
Specifications Product highlights
•Voltage: 100-240 V
Country of Origin
• England
What is included
•ISIS iQ UNO Electronic Breast Pump: 1 pcs
•Breast milk container (125 ml/4 oz): 1 pcs
•Breast milk container (260 ml/9 oz): 1 pcs
•Extra soft, Newborn Flow Teat: 1 pcs
•Bottle stand/funnel cover: 2 pcs
•Battery pack: 1 pcs
•Mains power lead: 1
•Manual pump parts for when power is not
available: 1
•Spare parts: 1 pcs
Issue date 2009-02-06
Version: 6.3.1
12 NC: 0000 000 00000
© 2009 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Soft massage cushions
Patented massage cushions flex in and out, replicating
baby's suckling action and stimulating a fast, natural let-
Gentle-draw vacuum
The gentle-draw vacuum mimics baby's suckling to create
a steady milk flow that requires less pumping.
Mains, battery and manual
In addition to mains power, this single electronic pump
can also operate using battery power and as a manual
pump, for total flexibility.
Learns and continues your pumping rhythm
Electronic memory learns and, at the touch of a button,
continues your personal pumping rhythm.
More milk, naturally.
Expression allows breast milk to be available, even when
you can't be there.