
Antenna mount


Specifications Product highlights

Inner Carton

Gross weight: 2.5 lb
Inner carton (L x W x H): 9.6 x 7.7 x 4.7 inch
Nett weight: 2 lb
Tare weight: .5 lb

Outer Carton

Gross weight: 16.35 lb
Outer carton (L x W x H): 18.1 x 16.1 x 12 inch
Nett weight: 12 lb
Tare weight: 4.35 lb

Packaging dimensions

Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
4.2 x 7.7 x 1.7 inch
Gross weight: .55 lb
Nett weight: .5 lb
Tare weight: .05 lb
Issue date 2008-08-19
Version: 2.0.3
12 NC: 8670 000 35218
UPC: 6 09585 14548 1
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
The base bolts to the roof or attic to keep the antenna
mast in place.
Saddle bracket and U bolt
Two pieces of hardware screw into the base bracket to
secure the antenna.