USB 2.0 extension travel kit
Specifications Product highlights
•Type of cable: Retractable USB 2.0 Extension
Cable A/A Connectors (A Male / A Female) with
8 adapters; B, 5-Pin Mini B, 4-Pin Mini B, 4- Pin F lat
Mini B, 2x RJ45 networking, 2x RJ11 phone.
•Cable length: 120 cm
•EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 12581 32215 1
•Quantity: 1
•Length: 25.4 cm
•Width: 27.3 cm
•Height: 3.1 cm
•Gross Weight: 0.33 kg
•Tare Weight: 0.104 kg
•Net Weight: 0.226 kg
Inner Carton
•EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 12581 32217 5
•Quantity: 4
•Length (cm): 27.5 cm
•Width (cm): 26 cm
•Height (cm): 14.5 cm
•Gross weight: 1.5 kg
•Tare weight: 0.18 kg
•Net weight: 1.32 kg
Outer Carton
•EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 12581 32218 2
•Quantity: 12
•Length (cm): 44 cm
•Width (cm): 30 cm
•Height (cm): 29 cm
•Gross weight: 5.16 kg
•Tare weight: 0.64 kg
•Net weight: 4.52 kg
Issue date 2008-05-23
Version: 2.2.5
12 NC: 8670 000 28061
EAN: 87 12581 32215 1
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
1,2 m retractable cable
This ret rac tab le ex ten sio n ca ble com es w ith 8 co nne cto rs
for all your mobility needs. Just change connectors
according to your needs wherever you happen to be. Will
function either as a USB cable or a networking cable.
Warning : do not attempt to conn ect USB to the n etwork
by crossing connectors. Damage to computer will occur.
4 USB connectors
This variety of USB connectors allow you to change
connectors to your need. Includes 1 each : B, 5-Pin Mini
B, 4-Pin Mini B and 4-Pin Flat Mini B.
2 RJ45 connectors
Easily connect to the Ethernet or dial- up ISP
2 RJ11 connectors
Easily connect to a standard phone line and modem jack.
Zippered wallet case
Ideal for traveling, this sturdy case stores, carries and
protects your connections.