July 1994 7
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
2 x 22 W BTL stereo car radio power
amplifier TDA1552Q
VP = 14.4 V; RL = 4Ω; f = 1 kHz; Tamb = 25 °C; measurements taken using Fig.3; unless otherwise specified
Notes to the characteristics
1. The circuit is DC adjusted at VP = 6 V to 18 V and AC operating at VP = 8.5 V to 18 V.
2. At 18 V < VP < 30 V the DC output voltage ≤ VP/2.
3. Conditions:
a) V11 = 0 V
b) short-circuit to GND
c) switch V11 to MUTE or ON condition (rise time ≥10µs).
4. Frequency response externally fixed.
5. Ripple rejection measured at the output with a source impedance of 0 Ω (maximum ripple amplitude of 2 V).
6. Frequency f = 100 Hz.
7. Frequency between 1 kHz and 10 kHz.
8. Noise voltage measured in a bandwidth of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
9. Noise output voltage independent of RS (VI = 0 V).
Output power THD = 0.5% Po15 17 −W
THD = 10% Po20 22 −W
Output power at VP = 13.2 V THD = 0.5% Po−12 −W
THD = 10% Po−17 - W
Total harmonic distortion Po = 1 W THD −0.1 −%
Power bandwidth THD = 0.5%
Po = −1 dB
w.r.t. 15 W Bw- 20 to −Hz
Low frequency roll-off note 4
−1 dB fL−25 −Hz
High frequency roll-off −1 dB fH20 −−kHz
Closed loop voltage gain Gv25 26 27 dB
Supply voltage ripple rejection notes 5, 6 RR 42 −−dB
ON notes 5, 7 RR 48 −−dB
mute notes 5, 6, 7 RR 48 −−dB
stand-by notes 5, 6, 7 RR 80 −−dB
Input impedance |Zi| 506075kΩ
Noise output voltage
(RMS value)
ON RS = 0 Ω; note 8 Vno(rms) - 70 120 µV
ON RS = 10 kΩ; note 8 Vno(rms) −100 −µV
mute notes 8, 9 Vno(rms) −60 −µA
Channel separation α40 −−dB
Channel unbalance |∆Gv|- −1dB