April 1985 5
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
I.F. amplifier and demodulator for
multistandard TV receivers TDA2549Notes to the characteristics
2. Measured in application of Fig. 5.
A.F.C. output voltage swing V15-3 10 −−V
Change of frequency required for a.f.c.
output voltage swing of 10 V ∆f−70 200 kHz
A.F.C. switch off for a voltage lower than: V17-3 −−1,5 V
A.F.C. inverter switch
positive a.f.c. (Fig.2) V16-3 0−1,5 V
negative a.f.c. (Fig.3) V16-3 4−12 V
Tuner A.G.C.
Leakage current I10 −−15 µA
Saturation voltage
I10 = 0,3 mA V10-3 −0,1 0,3 V
take-over point LOW Vi−−3mV
take-over point HIGH Vi10 −−mV
Signal expansion at Gv= 50 dB ∆V22-3 −−0,5 dB
Negative modulation (Fig.4)
white spot inverter threshold level V22-3 −4,6 −V
white spot insertion level V22-3 −3,2 −V
noise inverter threshold level V22-3 −0,9 −V
noise insertion level V22-3 −2,5 −V
Positive modulation a.g.c. detector
reference level V11-3 3,0 3,2 3,4 V
Auxiliary video input signal for Vo(p-p) =2 V V
12-3 0,7 1 1,4 V
Auxiliary video output
output signal (note 2) V14-3 −1−V
top sync level V14-3 123V
output impedance |Z14-3|−7−Ω
Levels for video switches
positive video V2-3 −−1V
negative video V2-3 3−−V
internally demodulated signal V23-3 −−1V
auxiliary video signal V23-3 3−−V
Signal to–nois e ratio S/N–Voblack-to-white
Vn rms()
at B 5 MHz=