July 1992 7
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification
Small signal combination IC for black/white TV TDA8303
VP = 12 V;Tamb = 25°C; carrier 38.9 MHz negative modulation, unless otherwise specified
Supply (pin 7)
VPsupply voltage range 9.5 12 13.2 V
IPsupply current no input 90 125 160 mA
I11 start current (pin 11) note 1 −6.5 9 mA
V11 start voltage horizontal oscillator 9.5 −−V
11 start protection level I11 = 12 mA −−16.5 V
IF Amplifier (pins 8 and 9)
V8-9(RMS) input sensitivity (RMS value) at 38.9 MHz;
note 2 25 40 65 µV
V8-9(RMS) input sensitivity (RMS value) at 45.75 MHz;
notes 2 and 25 25 40 65 µV
R8-9 differential input resistance note 3 −1300 −Ω
8-9 differential input capacitance note 3 −5−pF
G8-9 gain control range −74 −dB
∆V17 output signal expansion for 46 dB input signal
variation note 4 −1−dB
V8-9 maximum input signal 100 170 −mV
Video Amplifier (note5)
V17 zero signal output level note 6 −5.4 −V
V17 peak sync level 2.3 2.5 2.7 V
V17 video output signal amplitude note 7 2.3 2.65 3.0 V
V17 white spot threshold level −5.7 −V
V17 white spot insertion level −3.8 −V
Z17 video output impedance −25 −Ω
17 internal bias current of npn emitter follower
output transistor 1.4 1.8 −mA
Isource maximum source current (pin 17) 10 −−mA
B bandwidth of demodulated output signal 5 7 −MHz
G17 differential gain note 8 −48%
ϕdifferential phase note 8 −2 5 deg.
NL video non linearity note 9 −25%
intermodulation note 10
1.1 MHz; blue 50 60 −dB
1.1 MHz; yellow 50 60 −dB
3.3 MHz; blue 55 65 −dB
3.3 MHz; yellow 55 65 −dB