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Pioneer DEH-2700RB operation manual

DEH-2700RB, DEH-2700R specifications

The Pioneer DEH-2700R and DEH-2700RB are both car stereo receivers designed for music enthusiasts who seek a blend of high-quality audio performance and user-friendly features. These models are characterized by their sleek design and adaptability to various audio sources, making them an excellent addition to any vehicle's sound system.

One of the standout features of the DEH-2700R is its ability to playback audio from a range of formats, including CDs, MP3, and WMA files. This flexibility ensures that users can enjoy their favorite tunes without being restricted by the medium. The DEH-2700RB enhances this experience by including Bluetooth connectivity, which allows for hands-free calling and wireless music streaming from smartphones and other devices. This technology is particularly valuable for those who prioritize safety on the road while staying connected.

The built-in MOSFET amplifier delivers powerful sound quality, providing up to 50 watts per channel. This performance ensures that music remains clear and vibrant, even at high volumes. Additionally, both models feature a 5-band graphic equalizer, enabling users to fine-tune their audio output according to their preferences and the acoustics of their vehicle.

Another significant feature is the customizable display, which offers multiple color options for the illumination of the controls and display, allowing users to match the stereo's aesthetics with their vehicle's interior. The DEH-2700RB also includes a detachable faceplate, enhancing security against theft while adding a layer of convenience for users.

Furthermore, the USB port found on both the DEH-2700R and DEH-2700RB supports direct control over compatible USB devices, enabling quick access to a large library of music stored on thumb drives or other USB sources.

In terms of expandability, both models come equipped with RCA outputs for easy connection to external amplifiers or subwoofers, giving users the option to further enhance their sound systems. The overall build quality of the DEH-2700 series reflects Pioneer's commitment to durability, ensuring these receivers are built to endure the rigors of life on the road.

In conclusion, the Pioneer DEH-2700R and DEH-2700RB stand out for their impressive audio capabilities, connectivity options, and user-friendly features. Whether you are a casual listener or a dedicated audiophile, these car stereos promise to elevate your automotive audio experience to new heights.