The Initial Settings Menu 07
and reconnect to the TV using either the
supplied audio/video cable, or an S-
Video cable (see pages 11 and 12 for
more on this).
SCART cables come in various configu-
rations. Make sure you use the correct
one for your TV/monitor. See page 54 for
the SCART pin assignment diagram.
Digital Audio Out
Video Output
TV Screen
AV Connector Out
S-Video Out
Initial Settings
Video Standard video, compatible
with all TVs.
S-Video Higher quality, but check your
TV for compatibility.
RGB Best quality, but check your TV
for compatibility.

S-Video Out

Default setting: S2
You only need to make this setting if you
connected this player to your TV using an S-
Video cord.
Digital Audio Out
Video Output
TV Screen
AV Connector Out
S-Video Out
Initial Settings
If you find that the picture is stretched or
distorted on the default S2 setting, try
changing it to S1.
Video Output settings

TV Screen

Default setting: 4:3 (Letter Box)
Digital Audio Out
Video Output
TV Screen
AV Connector Out
S-Video Out
4:3 (Letter Box)
4:3 (Pan&Scan)
16:9 (Wide)
Initial Settings
If you have a widescreen TV, select the 16:9
(Wide) settingwidescreen DVD software is
then shown using the full screen area. When
playing software recorded in conventional
(4:3) format, the settings on your TV will
determine how the material is presented
see the manual that came with your TV for
details on what options are available.
If you have a conventional TV, select either
4:3 (Letter Box) or 4:3 (Pan & Scan). In
Letter Box mode, widescreen software is
shown with black bars at the top and bottom
of the screen. Pan & Scan chops the sides off
widescreen material to make it fit the 4:3
screen (so even though the image looks
larger on the screen, youre actually seeing
less of the picture). See also page 49.

AV Connector Out

Default setting: Video
You only need to make this setting if you
connected this player to your TV using the AV
SCART-type connector.
If you make a setting here that is
incompatible with your TV, the TV may
not display any picture at all. If this
happens either switch everything off