This section displays your recorded TV shows.
When you playback recorded TV, you can fast forward or reverse using either the controls on your Remote Controller, or on the floating toolbar. You can click the button next to the preview window to play it in Full Screen mode. Press “Esc” to exit Full Screen.
zFrom the View Screen, you can choose either “Detail” or “Thumbnail” view. Both views show you thumbnails of the available photos and folders; “Detail” view includes file/folder names and dates.
zFrom the Sort section, choose to arrange the photos according to name or date.
zTo trim a video, click the Scissors icon to the right of the file.
zTo rename a video file, click the “A_” icon to access a virtual keyboard.
zClick the Delete (Trash can) icon to delete a file.
When you use recording function, it will allow the length of TV program which you record to occupy the space in your hard disk. So, please make sure you got enough space in your hard disk for recording.