Lease Time

The DHCP when enabled will temporarily give


your LAN clients an IP address. In the Lease


Time setting you can specify the time period that


the DHCP lends an IP address to your LAN


clients. The DHCP will change your LAN client’s


IP address when this time threshold period is



DNS Proxy

Select <Enabled> that all DNS requests to a


specific Domain Name will be routed to the XRT-


401E’s IP address. If you want to use the DNS


Proxy function of the device, the end user’s main


DNS server IP address should be the same IP


Address as the device.

DHCP Client List

You can check your current status of the DHCP


client here, it also allow you to add the client IP


address with specific MAC address manually.



3.4 NAT

Network Address Translation (NAT) allows multiple users at your local site to access the Internet through a single Public IP Address or multiple Public IP Addresses. NAT provides Firewall protection from hacker attacks and has the flexibility to allow you to map Private IP Addresses to Public IP Addresses for key services such as Websites and FTP. To meet various field applications, XRT-401E NAT function can be disabled to as a regular router. If NAT is disabled, all LAN side workstations must have valid IP addresses for Internet access. If the router is used for routing application, not for Internet access, then the NAT function can be disabled.



3.4.1 Virtual Server

You can have different services (e.g. email, FTP, Web


etc.) going to different service servers/clients in your


LAN. The Virtual Server allows you to re-direct a


particular service port number (from the Internet/WAN


Port) to a particular LAN IP address and its service port



3.4.2 Special Applications

Some applications require multiple connections, such as


Internet games, video conferencing, Internet telephony


and others. In this section you can configure the router


to support these types of applications.

3.4.3 Port Forwarding

You can have different services (e.g. email, FTP, Web


etc.) going to different service servers/clients in your


LAN. The Port Forwarding allows you to re-direct a


particular range of service port numbers (from the


Internet/WAN Ports) to a particular LAN IP address.

3.4.4 ALG Setting

You can select special applications that need


“Application Layer Gateway” to support here.