Join the captain as he sings "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and his
shipmates play musical instruments to this classic children’s song.
•Place the captain in the boat and place a shipmate in any other seat
to hear the captain sing, accompanied by that shipmate playing the
musical instrument they're holding. Add the other shipmates to hear
them “play” their musical instruments. The song builds, becoming
fuller and more complete as you add shipmates. The singing and
musical instruments play in order from the front to the back of the
boat. Press the flag to hear the song again or stop the play.
•When the captain is in the navigator's seat with no passengers
aboard, he says, "Hey, where is everyone?"
•If a shipmate is alone in the boat, or if the captain is alone in a
passenger seat, you'll hear,"Uh, oh...I can't sail by myself."
Please note: The toy is shipped in “DEMO” mode. Move switch to
“PLAY” for play at home.
Note: To prevent accidental activation, slide the switch on bottom
of toy to “OFF.”
mmaattee ppllaayyss
tthhee fflluuttee!!
ssiinnggss ““RRooww,,
RRooww,, RRooww YYoouurr
FFllaagg aaccttiivvaatteess
mmuussiicc wwhheenn ttwwoo oorr
mmoorree cchhaarraacctteerrss aarree
iinn tthhee bbooaatt!!
FFrreeee--rroolllliinngg bbooaatt
bboobbss aalloonngg!!
ppllaayyss tthhee ttuubbaa!!
SSaaiilloorr ppllaayyss
tthhee xxyylloopphhoonnee!!