If you still want to take a low-light photo without adding light or moving to a brighter location, hold the camera very steady or attach it to a tripod (using the tripod mount), due to the increased exposure time required. Under low light conditions, photo quality may be reduced.

4Frame your subject within the yellow lines that are visible in the viewfinder (c).

5Hold the camera steady and press and hold the shutter button (d) until the camera beeps. (Moving the camera before you hear the beeps may blur the photo.)

The power/status indicator blinks while the photo is processed, and the picture counter in the LCD status display (e) increases by one.

Note: When the camera’s 1 MB of internal memory is full (after about 15 photos), the LCD status display shows the memory-full message (FL) and the camera issues three quick warning beeps. If you press the shutter button, the camera again issues three quick beeps, but takes no more photos.

Note: The camera does not have removable memory. When memory is full, transfer photos into your computer (page 10) and then erase them from the camera’s memory (pages 8 and 16).

6 Questions? Contact Polaroid Corporation at www.PolaroidDigital.com