Thank you for purchasing the Polaroid PhotoMAX
PDC 2300Z Digital Camera Creative Kit. This kit contains
everything you need to enter the world of digital imaging.
After taking photos, you will find it easy to transfer them to
your computer, edit and correct your images—even display
them on a TV!
Once the photos are on your computer, use the Polaroid
PhotoMAX Pro Software to change them in many creative
ways, include them in e-mails, print them, or find other
great ways to use them.
Polaroid digital cameras and Polaroid PhotoMAX Pro
Software are easy to use, and are designed to work together
to produce high-quality results. Use your imagination. Have
This user’s guide covers basic camera features, startup,
installation procedures, and how to take photos and transfer
them to your computer. For detailed information about the
features and operation of your camera, see the online
Polaroid PhotoMAX Pro User’s Guide
. The online user’s guide
is included on the Polaroid PhotoMAX Pro Software
CD-ROM and is installed automatically with the software.
Please fill out and mail in your registration card!