9. SCAN () Buttons. Pressing this button enables the receiver
to play each Channel/Preset in ascending order for 10 seconds.
Scan terminates when the SCAN, CATEGORY, CHANNEL or ENTER
button is pressed.
10. NUMBER BUTTONS (0-10). Sets and selects preset channels.
11. CHANNEL Buttons (). Navigates through channels and display
screens, and highlights items on the display. Pressing the button
increases or moves up the menus. Pressing the button decreases
or moves down in menus.
12. CATEGORY (CAT) Buttons ().Navigates through the Category
List Screen which displays SIRIUS Channel Categories.
13. ENTER Button. Press to select a Category or Channel or
Menu setting.
14. Display Screen. This area displays tuning and information
about the Receiver.
15. REWIND () Button. Pressing this button rewinds through content
saved to Instant Replay. Pressing and releasing this button rewinds
to the beginning of the song or program. Pressing and holding
rewinds by timed through the saved content.
16. PLAY/PAUSE () Button. Pauses and replays live or time-shifted
content from the currently tuned channel. Pressing and holding
this button displays a list of songs in the saved content.
17. FAST FORWARD () Button.Used to fast forward through
Instant Replay saved content. Pressing and releasing this button
fast-forwards to the beginning of the next song or program.
Pressing and holding this button fast-forwards through time
the saved content.