Connecting Over Conference Link2
6 - 9
channel, the SoundStructure “Program Audio” signal is routed to the “HDX
Line Mix Out” channel, and the SoundStructure “Mics” group is routed to the
“HDX Stereo Mics Out” channel.
Mute Control
If the mute state changes on the SoundStructure system, the Polycom HDX
does not receive the mute event from the SoundStructure device. Only when
mute commands are sent to the Polycom HDX via a control system or infra-red
remote will the mute event be automatically transmitted to the SoundStruc-
ture device.
The mute status of a Polycom HDX system is sent automatically to the Sound-
Structure device via the Conference Link2 interface. When the mute state
changes on the Polycom HDX system - due to a control system controlling the
HDX or an HDX IR mute message, the SoundStructure device receives the
mute event. If the mute state changes on the SoundStructure system, the Poly-
com HDX does not receive the mute event from the SoundStructure device.
Only when mute commands are sent to the Polycom HDX via a control system
or infra-red remote will the mute event be automatically transmitted to the
SoundStructure device.
Any change in the mute state of the HDX microphones will cause the Sound-
Structure device to receive the command
set mute “Mics” 1
If the SoundStructure system’s microphones are muted independently of the
Polycom HDX system, the Polycom HDX mute status may not reflect the actual
SoundStructure mute status.