Command Protocol Reference Guide
A - 107
am_slope Gain Sharing Automixer Slope
This parameter defines how much attenuation (in dB) is applied to
microphones in the specified automixer group when they don't have the
highest level in the group. For example, if a microphone has a level that is 6.0
dB lower than the loudest mic, and its slope is 2.0, then 12.0 dB of attenuation
will be applied to the microphone.
This parameter is only used if the automixer group is in gain sharing mode. If
the automixer group is in gating mode, the parameter is ignored.
GPIO Control Parameters
analog_gpio_value Analog GPIO Value
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Global System
Value Type Floating-Point
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Indices 1-63 : group number
System Limits Minimum: 0.0, Maximum: 10.0, Resolution: 0.1
Default 2.0
User Limits
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Virtual Channel
Value Type Integer
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Phys Chans Analog General Purpose I/O Input
Virt Chans Control
System Limits Minimum: -2147483648, Maximum: 2147482647
Default 0
User Limits