Avoid Obstructions
Clear The Working Area



SRecognize that kickback can happen.
With a basic understanding of kickback,
you can reduce the element of surprise
which contributes to accidents.
SNeverlet t he moving chain contac t any ob-
ject at the tip of the guide bar.
SKeep the working area free from obstruc-
tionssuch as other trees, branc hes, rocks,
fences, stumps, etc. Eliminate or avoid
anyobs truction that your saw chain could
hit while you are cutting. When cutting a
branch, do not let the guide bar contact
branch or other objects around it.
SKeep your saw chain sharp and pr operly
tensioned. A loose or dull chain can in-
crease the chance of kickback occurring.
Follow manufacturer’s chain sharpening
andmaintenance instruc tions. Check ten-
sion at regular intervals with the engine
stopped, never with the engine running.
Make sure the chain brake nuts are se-
curelytightened after tensioning t he chain.
SBeginand continue cut ting at full speed. If
the chain is moving at a slower speed,
thereis greater c hance of kickback occur -
SCut one log at a time.
SUse extreme caution when re-entering a
previous cut.
SDo notattempt cutsstarting with the tip of
the bar (plunge cuts).
SWatchfor s hifting logs or other forces that
could close a cut and pinch or fall into
SUse the Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar
and Low--Kickback Chain specified for
your saw.


Never reverse
handpos itions
Standto the
left of the saw
underside of
Thumbon undersideof
Elbow locked
SKeepa good, firm grip on the saw w ith both
hands when the engine is running and
don’tlet go. Afirmgrip will help you reduce
kickback and maintain control of the saw.
Keep the fingers of your left hand encir-
cling and your left thumb under the front
handlebar. Keep your right hand com-
pletely around the rear handle whether
yourare right handed or left handed. Keep
your left arm straight with the elbow
SPositionyour left hand on the front handle-
bar so it is in a straight line with your right
hand on the rear handle when making
bucking cuts. Neverrever se right and left
handpos itions for any type of cutting.
SStandwith your weight ev enly balanced on
bothf eet.
SStand slightly to the left side of the saw to
keep your body from being in a direct line
with the cutting chain.
SDonot ov erreach. Youcould be drawn or
thrown off balance and lose control of the
SDonot cut above shoulder height. Itisdiffi-
cult to maintain control of saw above
shoulder height.


WARNING: The following featur es
areinc luded ony our saw to help reduce the
hazard of kickback; however, such f eatures
will not totally eliminate this danger. As a
chainsaw us er,do not rely only on safety de-
vices. You must follow all s afety precau-
tions, instructions, and maintenance in this
manual to help avoid kickback and other
forces which can result in serious injury.
SReduced--Kickback Guide Bar, designed
with a small radius tip which reduces the
size of the kickback danger zone on the
bar tip. A Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar
hasbeen demonstrated t o significantly re-
ducethe number and s eriousness of kick-
backs when tested in accordance with
safety requirements for gasoline powered
chain saws as set by ANSI B175.1.