WARRANTY PERIOD: Any warranted part which is not scheduled for replacement as re- quired maintenance, or which is scheduled only for regular inspection to the effect of “re- pair or replace as necessary” shall be war- ranted for 2 years. Any warranted part which is scheduled for replacement as required maintenance shall be warranted for the period of time up to the first scheduled replacement point for that part. DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be charged for diagnostic labor which leads to the determination that a war- ranted part is defective if the diagnostic work is performed at an approved ELECTROLUX HOME PRODUCTS, INC., servicing center.
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: ELEC- TROLUX HOME PRODUCTS, INC., may be liable for damages to other engine compo- nents caused by the failure of a warranted part still under warranty. WHAT IS NOT COVERED: All failures caused by abuse, ne- glect, or improper maintenance are not cov- ered.
not liable to cover failures of warranted parts caused by the use of
REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR OF EMIS- SION RELATED PARTS: Any ELECTRO- LUX HOME PRODUCTS, INC., approved re- placement part used in the performance of any warranty maintenance or repair on emis- sion related parts will be provided without charge to the owner if the part is under war- ranty. EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY PARTS LIST: Carburetor, Ignition System: Spark Plug (covered up to maintenance schedule), Ignition Module. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The owner is responsible for the performance of all required maintenance as defined in the instruction manual.
This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use: Moderate (50 hours)