

For for Media Rolls & Blankets

Conversion Formula for square inches to square feet


SA600-G10 and SAR-1 Custom Media Pads

First find how many square feet are in the custom pad

Do this by taking the length times the width in inches and dividing by 144.

Example: 53.5"x24.5" = (53.5x24.5 / 144) = 9.10 square feet

Second, multiply the square feet of the pad by the LIST price

(SA600=$4.00 sq.ft./SAR1=$2.00 sq.ft.)

Example SA600 G10 pad: 53.5"x24.5" = 9.10 sq. ft. so I multiply 9.10x4 = $36.40 LIST price for that pad

All other custom media pads

For all other medias, a custom range has been established. To find the correct part number, sim- ply multiply the length times the width in inches to get the total square inches of the pad.

EXAMPLE: 30"x30" = 900 square inches.

Second, find the range that the part numbers falls in. For this size, the part number should be ****- 900-999. This signifies any pad from 900 to 999 square inches.

Be sure to include the exact size pad you want with the custom part number.

Third, find the list price by multiplying the LIST price by the MULTIPLIER from the IDC code list

The SA600-G10 multiplier for a jobber is .35 so I take $36.40x.35 and that is their cost (SA600=S1/SAR1=S2)

The multiplier list is at the back of the catalog, and each product has a different multiplier

Check your IDC code reference in the catalog to veri- fy you are applying the correct multiplier

We will then create a part number for that size and will include the part in our next catalog.

Custom media rolls

We can make any width roll desired for polyester or fiberglass medias. The polyester media can simply be cut in house on our band saw, the fiber- glass must be custom run from the glass plant and will have a longer lead time.

There is a $2.00 custom slit charge for custom width poly rolls. Please call customer service for custom roll pricing.

A good general guide is to take a similar standard roll, and divide the LIST price by the inches in width. Then multiply the inches in width by the desired width and add a $2.00 slit charge.

EXAMPLE: A 20" wide roll of 1GT media is LIST price is for $175.00. If you want a 22" roll, divide 175 by 20 = $8.75

The list is $8.75 per inch of width. Then multiply $8.75 times 22 = $192.50

Then multiply the new price by your multiplier for the particular media desired, and add $2.00 to the net figure.


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Precisionaire SAR1P20-2424, ST55R-2020 specifications HOW to Find Custom PAD Pricing